Started in 1999, Lendon's Youth Dressage Festival offers individual and team competition for riders from ages 4 through 25 (plus an Alumni Division for riders ages 26 and older). Division championships feature a three-phased competition: a written test, an individual dressage test, and an equitation ride. Divisions offered are Introductory through Fourth, FEI Pony, FEI Junior, FEI Young Rider, FEI U25 and Para Equestrian. Riders may also assemble teams and vie for the Kross Creek Farm Team Championships in honor of Margarita Serrell. Classes for Leadline (riders aged 4 to 8), Prix Caprilli (dressage ride incorporating jumps), Dressage Trail, Quadrille, Handler, Judging Sport Horse Conformation, and Musical Freestyle are offered, as are other competitive and fun activities such as the Costume Class and Tackroom Decorating.